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Global IT Standards for Health Care
At the most recent meeting of standards body Object Management Group (OMG™), its Healthcare Domain Task Force considered a new programme of work based on cooperation with leading Health Standards body, Health Level Seven (HL7). HL7 has decided to concentrate on its traditional information and messaging models, and is delegating service modelling and specification to the OMG™. Approval was given from the HL7 Board as well as directors of OMG to pursue this plan. A large number of international health industry players, including HL7 Australia and HL7 New Zealand, have signed letters of intent to participate.

DSTC, who was represented the OMG™ meeting by Keith Duddy, is in an excellent position to represent the Australian Health sector in this initiative. To date, we have over 10 successful OMG™ standards publications, most of which are for service specifications. We have several products and spin-offs resulting from our OMG standards. We have twice had a representative on the OMG™ Architecture Board.

DSTC is also a member of HL7 Australia and have experience with HL7 models and functions. As evidenced by our involvement in HealthConnect, we are a leading Electronic Health Records, and affiliated distributed infrastructure provider. DSTC’s participation in HealthConnect is already well known amongst the other key players in the US, including US Veterans Health Affairs, Medicalert, Kaiser Permanente, EDS, CSW Group (UK), and IBM.

DSTC will continue to monitor and provide input to this rapidly expanding initiative, participating in teleconferences and planning future face-to-face meetings and document editing.

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