David's Links
- Photos from Brisbane cemeteries and surrounding shires in South East Queensland
- http://www.chapelhill.homeip.net/FamilyHistory/Photos/index.htm
- Australian Cemeteries
- http://www.australiancemeteries.com/
- Australia Cemeteries (interment)
- http://www.interment.net/aus/
- Australia Cemeteries Index
- http://www.cemeteryphotos.com.au
- Cemeteries of the Darling Downs
- http://www.ozcemeteries.com/Cemeteries%20Qld.htm archive on National Library, wayback machine
- Greg Davis' list of headstones in Queensland Cemeteries
- http://gdavis.id.au/cemetery/index.htm
- Australian cemetery locations
- www.auscem.com
- Cemeteries in Australia
- http://www.searchwhateveraustralia.com.au/cgi-bin/tseek/tseekdir.cgi ?location=Root-Genealogy_Australia-Cemeteries_in_Australia
Six Feet Under Downunder
Australian burial and cremation records online
- https://6feetunderdownunder.wordpress.com/
- Central Queensland Cemeteries
- http://kymsweb.com/cqc/
- Myrasplace - headstones
- http://www.myrasplace.net/hstones/hdstns.htm
- Cemeteries of the Mackay District
- http://www.mackayhistory.org/research/cemeteries/cemeteries.html
- Cemetery Headstone Transcriptions NSW Australia
- http://members.iinet.net.au/~sgrieves/cemeteries_australia.htm
- Cemeteries List (Reg McDonell's collection of NSW cemeteries)
- http://www.arkangles.com/cemindex/
- Redland City Council
- Historic Cemeteries. main cemeteries page
- NSW cemeteries (Rawsthorne)
- http://ozfamily.horrorking.com/cemetery.html
and the new site http://www.davidrawsthorne.com/
- Photographs of headstones are available from a selection of
predominately Victorian cemeteries
- http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~ausvsac/Index.htm
- Gravesite Symbols and Customs
- http://members.iinet.net.au/~perthdps/graves/symbols.htm
- Abbreviations on Gravestones
- http://www.olivetreegenealogy.com/misc/grave_symbols.shtml
- Australian funeral notice, deaths notices, and obituaries
- http://www.obits.com.au
- Elaine Smith's Cemeteries on CD
- http://www.easmith.bigpondhosting.com/cemeterycds.htm
- (Late) Garry Batt cemetery and death certificate collection for Victoria
- http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~ausgbc/index.html
- Cemeteries Master List Search - NSW National Trust
- http://www.nsw.nationaltrust.org.au/conservation/cemeteries/masterlist/database-search.asp
- Old Sydney Burial Ground
- https://www.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/history/old-sydney-burial-ground
- Dern Index Coverage
- DernIndexCoverage.html
- Wonthaggi Genealogy Inc. Cemetery links for Australia, New
Zealand, UK, Ireland and more
- http://www.geocities.com/researcherau/LINKS_CEMS_INDEX.html
- Cemeteries of SW Victoria
- http://www.ianmarr.net.au/
- National Trust - Cemetery Masterlist for NSW
- https://www.nationaltrust.org.au/services/cemetery-conservation/cemetery-masterlist/
- Grave finder - Victoria Australia
- http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~ausgbc/index.html
- Billion Graves
- http://billiongraves.com/
- World Cemeteries rootsweb list archive
- http://archiver.rootsweb.com/th/index/WORLD-CEMETERIES/
- Headstone photographs - Victoria
- http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~ausvsac/Index.htm
- Marlborough, New Zealand Cemetery Data Accessible Online
- http://www.stuff.co.nz/marlborough-express/news/3865028/Cemetery-data-accessible-online
- Bundaberg Cemetery Index
- http://bundaberg.qld.gov.au/services/cemetery/
- Rockhampton Region Cemeteries
- http://www.rockhamptonregion.qld.gov.au/Your_Community/CemeteriesCrematoriums
- Drayton and Toowoomba Cemetery
- http://www.freewebs.com/toowoombacemetery/
- Genealogy Links - Australia - Queensland - Cemeteries
- http://www.genealogylinks.net/australia/queensland/qld-cem.htm
- Rockhamption regional council cemeteries and crematoriums
- http://seamless.rrc.qld.gov.au/Your_Community/C_-_CemeteriesCrematoriums
- Central Queensland Cemeteries
- http://kymsweb.com/cqc/
- Fraser Coast Regional Council cemeteries
- http://www.frasercoast.qld.gov.au/web/guest/cemeteries
- Lorraine's Burial Records Pages (NSW, SA, Tas, Vic, WA)
- http://www.ozburials.com/
- Flikr - Cemeteries of Australia and the Commonwealth
- http://www.flickr.com/groups/354990@N24/
- Graves of Australian Pioneers
- http://www.flickr.com/groups/50199892@N00/
- Dead search home page - South Australian Genealogy
- http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~deadsearch/
- Moreton Bay Regional Council cemeteries
- http://www.moretonbay.qld.gov.au/council.aspx?id=760
- Burdekin Shire Council Cemeteries
- http://www.burdekin.qld.gov.au/services/databases/burialregister/index.aspx
- Mount Morgan Cemetery
- http://mmarchive.rockhamptonregion.qld.gov.au/cemetery.html
- Toowoomba Regional Council Cemeteries
- https://www.tr.qld.gov.au/facilities-recreation/cemeteries
- Ipswich General Cemetery
- http://www.australiancemeteries.com/qld/ipswich/ipswich.htm
- Brisbane City Council
- http://www.brisbane.qld.gov.au/BCC:BASE::pc=PC_899
- Nudgee Cemetery: Brisbane Catholic Cemetery
- http://www.nudgeecemetery.com.au/
- Mt Thompson Memorial Gardens (Brisbane) online - surname search
- https://www.heavenaddress.com/restingplace/search
- Country, Historic or Interesting Churches (Queensland?)
- http://www.urbex.50megs.com/Country_And_Historic_Churches/Operating_Churches/Operating_Churches.html
- Remote Graves Index Compiled by John Sweet for the Family
History Association of North Queensland
- http://www.fhanq.org/rgi.html
- Innisfail Cemetery
- http://cherylynette.webs.com/apps/photos/
- Headstones from cemeteries of Tasmania
- http://www.ozgenonline.com/~riacaroline/
(previously at http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~austasct/Tasmania_headstones.html)
- Gravestone Photographic Resource
- http://www.gravestonephotos.com
- Cemetery and grave site location
- http://www.exploroz.com/Places/Find/Cemetery,Grave_Site.aspx
- Gravestone photograph resource - England, Scotland, Wales,
Australia, Canada, Cyprus
- http://www.gravestonephotos.com/index.php
- Cora Num - Cemetery Records - Australia
- http://www.coraweb.com.au/cemetaus.htm
- Hidden treasures of Gravestones (UK)
- http://www.thegenealogist.co.uk/featuredarticles/2014/the-hidden-treasures-of-gravestones-209/
- Immigration
- http://www.archives.qld.gov.au/research/index/immigration.asp
- First Families 2001
- http://pandora.nla.gov.au/pan/10421/20041220-0000/www.firstfamilies2001.net.au/
or http://nla.gov.au/nla.arc-10421
- Immigration passenger lists for ships into the United States and Canada
- https://www.hmy.com/researching-your-familys-history-from-ships-passenger-lists/ (list of lists)
- Now and then photos north of Brisbane - Albany Creek,
Strathpine Samford, Dayboro
- http://www.petercampbellrealty.com/NowandThen/nowthenmenu.htm
- Maryborough District Family History Society
- http://www.satcom.net.au/mdfhs/index.html#addresses
- Rootsweb Queensland
- http://www.rootsweb.com/~ausqld2/index.htm
- Anglican Archives (Australia)
- http://www.anglican.org.au/archive/documentsearch.cfm#title
- Anglican Archives (Diocese of Brisbane)
- http://www.anglicanarchives.org.au/
- Australian Transcriptions - Miscellaneous Transcripts from Australia,
Grevilles Post Office Directory,
Penrith District Registers
- https://freepages.rootsweb.com/~hcastle/genealogy/index.htm
- Internet Family History Association of Australia
- http://www.historyaustralia.org.au/ifhaa/index.html
- Queensland Genealogy Links
- http://www.genealogylinks.net/australia/queensland/
- QLDGenWeb - family history information pertaining to
- http://www.worldgenweb.org/~ausqld"
- Danish Emigration Archives
- http://www.emiarch.dk/search.php3?l=en
- Danish parish registers and census online
- http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~dnkcen/
- Danish Demographic Database
- http://www.ddd.dda.dk/ddd_en.htm
- Norman Madsen's Danish and Swiss Genealogy Links Page
- http://www3.sympatico.ca/colin.swift/links.htm
- NSW BDM Transcription service - Joy Murrin family history
- http://www.joymurrin.com.au/products.htm
- Geoscience Australia: Place names of Australia
- http://www.ga.gov.au/map/names/
- Place Names Online Search - QLD Govmt Property, titles &
- http://www.nrm.qld.gov.au/property/placenames/index.php
- Queensland Places (now or once had population over 500)
- http://queenslandplaces.com.au/
- Brisbane and Environs Locality Guide
- http://www.nrm.qld.gov.au/property/mapping/pdf/geo_bris.pdf
- NSW Geographical Names Register (GNR)
- http://www.gnb.nsw.gov.au/name/search
- NSW historical parish, County, Municipal Maps
- http://www.lands.nsw.gov.au/OnlineServices/ParishMaps/default.htm
or http://www.lands.nsw.gov.au/survey_mapping/parish_maps
- Department of the Environment and Heritage Advanced Search
- http://www.deh.gov.au/search.html
- Hotels and Publicans Licences, Western NSW 1865-1900, Part of
Central NSW 1865-1870
- http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~surreal/NSWW/Hotels/index.html
- Association for Gravestone Studies
- http://www.gravestonestudies.org
- Old maps - UK
- http://www.old-maps.co.uk/
- Geograph British Isles - photograph every square km
- http://www.geograph.co.uk/
- Irish Surname Heritage
- http://www.davidalarkin.com/
- History Queensland - formerly known as QALFHS - Queensland
Association of Local and Family History Societies
- http://www.historyqueensland.org.au/
- Queensland History
- http://www.queenslandhistory.com
(cached local copy
of old Queensland History web pages)
- German Settlement in the Rosewood Scrub
- http://www.home.gil.com.au/~rshs/book.html
- IGI / LDS / Family Search
- http://www.familysearch.org/Eng/Search/frameset_search.asp
- Brisbane Family History Resources
- http://www.ourbrisbane.com/living/brisbanelife/facts/history/resources.htm
- FreeCEN - Search (UK Census)
- http://freecen.rootsweb.com/cgi/search.pl
- Scotland BDM Exchange
- http://www.sctbdm.com/index.php
- Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet
- http://www.cyndislist.com/
- Judy Webster's Genealogy Advice
- http://www.judywebster.com.au/
- Australian gateway site for tracing your family history by
Cora Num
- http://www.coraweb.com.au/
- Looking 4 Kin Genealogy Links & Chat
- http://www.looking4kin.com/
- A Guide to Genealogy and Family History Research. (Collection of starting points for research. USA based)
- https://everpresent.com/a-guide-to-genealogy-and-family-history-research/
- Family History and Genealogy Glossary
- http://www.polishcitizenshipbydescent.org/family-history-and-genealogy-glossary/
- Story of the voyage of the German Immigrant ship "SUSANNE
GODEFFROY" from Hamburg (Noel & Del Bergman)
- http://members.optusnet.com.au/nanddbergman/
- Penrith library searches
- http://opac.penrithcity.nsw.gov.au/.
Just go to Search Local Index
- NLA Australian Newspapers
- http://ndpbeta.nla.gov.au:80/ndp/del/home
- Register of War Memorials in New South Wales
- http://www.warmemorialsnsw.asn.au/
- The Spirits of Gallipoli
- http://www.spirits-of-gallipoli.com/
- Genealogy Websites Galore (MSN group)
- http://groups.msn.com/GenealogyWebsitesGalore/introduction.msnw
- Queensland Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages (110 George
Street, Brisbane, 4000)
- www.justice.qld.gov.au/bdm/
- State Library of Queensland's advice of preserving flood
damaged family history
- http://www.chapelhill.homeip.net/FamilyHistory/Other/Site/ Preserving_damaged_family_history.html
- Obituary Research Service
- https://www.obituaryresearchservice.com.au/
- The Definitive Guide to Choosing a Gravestone
- http://www.gravestoneshq.co.uk/
- Horton crest
- http://www.houseofnames.com/xq/asp.fc/qx/horton-family-crest.htm
- Preserving flood damaged papers and William Darben of Nundah
- http://www.chapelhill.homeip.net/s/~horton/FamilyHistory/Site/Welcome.html
- Reference books
- ReferenceBooks.html
- Q150 Brisbane History Pictorial and Narratives - Statehood to
- http://www.brisbanehistory.com/
Q150 Brisbane History Pictorial and Narratives - Statehood to
Brisbane Qld from the Statehood to Federation of Queensland. It
has many hyperlinks to the State Library Queensland pictorial
database as well as articles written at the time by Brisbane
residents. Contains panoramas of early Brisbane as well stories
of prominent people, reminiscences, newspaper articles,
districts, buildings, infrastructure.