in memore  | 3 de desicmbie dc 1885  | Johascia Hipreas  | oedad 21  | canhica Haponesa  | recueido aiodos p isabos  | in Broome  | (in Broome museum, removed from ) Broome Cemetery  |

in memore
3 de desicmbie dc 1885
Johascia Hipreas
oedad 21
canhica Haponesa
recueido aiodos p isabos
in Broome
(in Broome museum, removed from ) Broome Cemetery

All the headstone photos in Broome, WA
Names in photographed order.
Names in alphabetical order.
Latitude -17.95825622824677, Longitude 122.2236240900118
Latitude -17° 57’ 30", Longitude 122° 13’ 25"

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© Copyright 1996-2025 Kerry Raymond and David Horton