St. Patrick's Catholic, Mount Sylvia

first Communion

Those who have celebrated their first Communion at St. Patrick's include:
Bessie Bauer
Herb Bauer
Brian McNamara
Margaret Bauer
Kathleen Miners
Clare McNamara
Eileen Miners
Phyllis Miners
Tommy Friend
Warren Hansen
Jeffery Hansen
Anthony Bauer
Benjamin Teis
Leanne Bauer
Philip Bauer
Michelle Ryan
Jaquie Ryan
Rachel Ryan
Kate Ryan
Matthew Teis
Jason Zischke
Angela O'Dea
Maree O'Keeffe
Brian Mulligan
Paul Mulligan
Mark Williams
Andrew Diete
Nissine Diete
Cameron Diete
Scott Diete
Margaret Diete
Linda Bauer
Jenny Powell
Kym Powell


Recorded Confirmations include:
                  Michael DeWinter 19.11.78      Jenny Powell     Nov 93
                  Lyal Brown           19.11.78       Kym Powell      Nov 93
                  Michael Teis          19.11.78       Linda Bauer      Nov 93


 There have been twenty five recorded marriages celebrated at St. Patrick's, Mt. Sylvia. They are:
       Isaac Thomas Collingwood      married       Mary Ellen Madden     18-05-1897
       Thomas Edward Gould            married       Mary Murrihy          15-06-1904
       Johann Paul Sanewski              married       Minna Mary Casten      15-06-1904
       Henry Bauer                            married       Norah Madden          25-01-1905
       Adolf August Reinke                married       Agnes Nawratski        26-04-1906
      Frank Litfin                               married       Agnes Sanewski        09-05-1906
       Patrick Ryan                            married       Mary Bridget Quinn     12-09-1906
       William John Harbort               married       Annie Diete            03-07-1907
      Patrick Gilshinnan                     married       Winifred Ann Ryan      26-02-1908
      John Redinger           .               married       Christina Laffey         20-09-1911
      William John Friend                  married       Ann Madden            11-11-1914
      George Welsh                           married       Ellen Redinger          05-07-1916
      John Madden                           married       Eda Cleveland          01-01-1919
      Thomas Joseph Cashin             married       Johanna Mary O'Dea    03-10-1921
      Patrick Madden                       married       Ivy Walker             01-01-1924
      Ernest John Pickford                married       Johanna Laffey          16-02-1935
      James Cecil Mallon                  married       Mary Catherine Bauer    08-06-1935
      Denis Redinger                         married       Emily Hansen           03-08-1935
      Laurence Hope Olm                 married       Mary Laffey            15-08-1935
      Robert James Redinger            married       Ida Schuhkraft          20-10-1937
      William Henry Woodward       married       Elizabeth Mary Friend   26-11-1938
      Ernest Stanley Bennett             married       Dorothy Eileen Mallon   27-05-1939
      Vincent Joseph Jordon             married       Joyce Edna Carsburg     27-04-1940
      Clement Thomas Conran          married       Elizabeth Ann Bauer     26-08-1942
      Victor Redinger                        married       Evelyn Laffey          09-10-1948
The total should have been 26 but one wedding Planned for St. Patrick's in 1918 had to be
diverted to Gatton due to inclement weather. It appears that all was in readiness with the prospective bride
Catherine Murrihy and groom Patrick McNamara when a message was received from Father Walsh in
Gatton that he was unable to make the trip due to the weather. He suggested that the wedding breakfast,
to be held at the Murrihy homestead, go ahead as planned and the wedding party should then proceed to
Gatton to be married at St Mary's So be it.

Altar Servers

Over the years the parishioners of St. Patrick's
have been most generous in offering their ser-
vices as altar servers, musicians, church cleaners,
readers and various other lay ministries.
Altar Servers over the years have included Jim
Ryan, Devitt Ryan, Jack Mahaffey, Park and
Brian McNamara, Merv and Herb Bauer, Des,
Kevin and Brian Bauer, Denis, Pat and Brian
O'Dea, Merv Laffey, Tony and Greg Diete, Peter
Welsh, Michael DeWinter, Neville Nawratski,
Anthony and Philip Bauer, Andrew and Francis
Diete, Neil Williams, Michael Price, Michael
Ryan, Pat Brandon, Matthew Ryan, Joshua
Redinger and Lisa Cutler.


Organists have included, Mrs Mary O'Dea, Mrs Flint and in recent times the Bauer family,
Anthony (guitar), Leanne, Maree and Katie.
     In the early days the ladies of the parish prepared the church and altar for mass, travelling
long distances by sulky and horseback to do so. Some names which come to mind in particular
are, Hannah Laffey (Pickford), Mary Laffey (Olm), Nora Bauer, Eileen Bauer, Kathryn Bauer,
Claire Bauer, Evelyn Redinger, Bonnie Bauer and Clare Welsh.
     This ministry goes unheralded but they can be proud of the way the mass centre and our
principle place of worship in the valley has been maintained and presented over the years.


There have been many happy celebrations in the history of St. Patrick's and its people.
Baptisms, First Communions/Confirmations and Weddings were always happy occasions.
 Recorded baptisms include:
Martha Lena Ost                  Graham Woodward               Anthony Diete
Jack Bauer                       Catherine Friend                 Patricia Cutler
Joseph Sanewski                  John Friend                      Katherine Cutler
Elsie Sanewski                    Nellie Friend                    Michael Bauer
August Sanewski                  Rodney Cutler                   Garry Bauer
Mary Bauer                       Irene Cutler                     Anthony Bauer
Elizabeth Bauer                   Bill Cutler                       Leanne Bauer
Monica Bauer                     Peter Friend                     Philip Bauer
Kathryn Bauer                    Tom Friend                      Nissine Diete
James Sanewski                   Robert Bauer                    Cameron Diete
Francis Sanewski                  Keith Brown                     Maree Bauer
Agnes Sanewski                   Lynette Brown                   Scott Diete
Herbert Bauer                     Bernie Friend                    Margaret Diete
Margaret Bauer                   Pauline Friend                   Katie Bauer
Joan Brown                       Justin Hughes                    Francis Diete
Mary Conran                     Philip Cutler                     Allison Diete
Veronica Friend                   Brian Cutler                     Linda Bauer
Margaret Friend                   Keith Cutler                     Catherine Diete
Kevin Quinn                      Kathryn Brown                  Mark Powell
Daphne Brown                    Susan Brown                    Lydia O'Keeffe