Daniel O'BRIEN, of County Carlow, Ireland, died 3 Dec 1903 aged 64 years, husband, erected by Bridget O'BRIEN;
Bridget O'BRIEN, died 18 Nov 1926 aged 92 years;
Catherine O'BRIEN, died 17 May 1953 aged 82 years;
Stephen O'BRIEN, died 1-3-1933;
Catherine Louisa O'BRIEN, died 28-7-1949;
parents of Daniel Joseph O'BRIEN, grandparents of Mary, Stephen, Carmel, John, Paul;
Glamorgan Vale Cemetery, Esk Shire

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Latitude -27.51751471362328, Longitude 152.6385745051889
Latitude -27° 31’ 3", Longitude 152° 38’ 19"

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