Ja            E  D  | D    31           8  |   |    E  in        L  | Died     5    th   1930  | Ag              years  | At   e  |   | Hoya Lutheran Cemetery, Boonah Shire  |   | Research Contact: Based on burial register, this is believed to be  | Caroline Albertine TOPEL age 87 years died 23-08-1930  |   |   |   |

Ja E D
D 31 8

E in L
Died 5 th 1930
Ag years
At e

Hoya Lutheran Cemetery, Boonah Shire

Research Contact: Based on burial register, this is believed to be
Caroline Albertine TOPEL age 87 years died 23-08-1930

All the headstone photos in Hoya Lutheran Cemetery, Boonah
Names in photographed order.
Names in alphabetical order.
Latitude -27.97030067443847, Longitude 152.6954498291016
Latitude -27° 58’ 13", Longitude 152° 41’ 44"

GoogleMap or GoogleEarth map application for Hoya Lutheran Cemetery, Boonah. (What's this?)
All the cemeteries
© Copyright 1996-2025 Kerry Raymond and David Horton