Robert Joseph THOMAS, husband father,
1909 - 1973;
Alma Ann THOMAS, wife mother,
1912 - 1943;
Constance Joan SPEECHLEY,
wife of John,
mother of Peter, Jennifer, Theresa, Amanda,
& Anthony,
daughter of Robert Joseph and Alma Ann THOMAS,
born 23 Oct 1931 - died 26 May 2001;
Ma Ma Creek Anglican Cemetery, Gatton shire

All the headstone photos in Ma Ma Creek Anglican (St Stephen's), Church of Christ, ?, Gatton shire
Names in photographed order.
Names in alphabetical order.
Latitude -27.62959848214925, Longitude 152.1894080950893
Latitude -27° 37’ 47", Longitude 152° 11’ 22"

GoogleMap or GoogleEarth map application for Ma Ma Creek Anglican (St Stephen's), Church of Christ, ?, Gatton shire. (What's this?)
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