CiTR was started by Rob Cook way way back. It was a fantastic place to work. It started with just Rob at his place. When I joined we were in the Ritchie Labs at the University of Queensland. The place was noted for the smell of fresh brewed coffee wafting throughout the office, and the wine drinking on a Friday night after work. We soon moved into a new building eventually named Gerhmann Laboratories. CiTR was instrumental in getting the DSTC started.
CiTR Pty Ltd was incorporated as a separate company by the University. (There was a clever incorporation T-shirt designed by Storm Griffin for the occasion).
Later we moved off campus to the John Oxley Centre on Coronation Drive. Here again, many good times were had, such as ... CiTR Loud day 1993 - in John Oxley Centre office at Milton and the 10 year symposium which included a black T-shirt with a clever logo that I never understood (designed by Andrew Baker). Here are some other old photos.
Spun off Astracon (and Connection Mangler) leaving it looking as in the Organisation chart in August 2000
In about 2002 the services business was spun off as Lead Up leaving the product business, Access Point