Obtaining US GOSIP-related Documents

Subject: Obtaining US GOSIP-related Documents

Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this material for 
any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that 
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copies, and that this material is not sold or distributed 

                      ||                            ||
                      || Obtaining US GOSIP-related ||
                      ||          Documents         ||
                      ||                            ||

							June 1993

Below is the information needed to obtain the U.S. GOSIP, OSE (was OSI)
Implementors Workshop (OIW) documents, Government Network Management
Profile (GNMP) documentation, GOSIP Users' Guide, GOSIP testing
documentation, and various other documents pertaining to GOSIP.  All
prices quoted are in U.S. dollars and represent the most up-to-date
information available at this time; for further pricing information and
ordering details, contact the seller (all addresses and telephone
numbers are found at the end of this bulletin).

Most of the publications listed in this document are available for
"anonymous" file transfer from the machine NEMO.NCSL.NIST.GOV located at
NIST in Gaithersburg, MD, USA.  This service is accessible through the
Internet.  Files may be retreived via FTP, SMTP mail, gopher, or WWW.

(301) 975-3608.

	WordPerfect 5.1 files must be transferred in binary mode.  A
	"LaserWriter" printer definition was used in creating the
	PostScript files.  A commonly available set of fonts (for
	example, Helvetica 10-pt) must be available on your local
	printer for your local output to be correctly displayed.  This
	applies to all WordPerfect 5.1 and PostScript files retrievable
	on-line as indicated below.  The ".Z" file extension indicates
	that the files have been compressed using Lempel-Ziv ("LZ")
	coding (i.e., through the use of the "compress" utility
	commonly found on UNIX systems).

	NEMO.NCSL.NIST.GOV ( supports "anonymous" FTP as follows:

	login: ftp or anonymous
	password: your_name@your_site (SMTP mail address)

	cd ./pub/oiw/agreements

	Gopher allows you to browse through the documents, and to
	retrieve documents by downloading them through gopher,
	or by sending them by SMTP mail to the requestor.
	If your site already has gopher clients installed, type:

		gopher nemo.ncsl.nist.gov

	Otherwise, you can connect to gopher on NEMO.NCSL.NIST.GOV
	by typing:

		telnet nemo.ncsl.nist.gov
		login: gopher
		Password: gopher

	Go to the menu entry that says "OSE Implementors' Workshop",
	then go to the menu entry that says "Implementors' Agreements".
	You can browse through the ASCII versions of the documents, but
	you cannot save them.  You can mail them back to yourself (but
	FTP will be faster).

World Wide Web 
	World Wide Web (WWW) allows browsing of documents served by
	Gopher servers, as well as documents in HTML format served by
	HTTP servers.  If your site has WWW clients installed, you can
	use them to browse the information on NEMO.NCSL.NIST.GOV.
	The URL for the NEMO.NCSL.NIST.GOV server is:


	Using the WWW line-mode browser under UNIX, the command would be:

		www  http://nemo.ncsl.nist.gov/

	Select the "SST Gopher" entry to access the Gopher server.

SMTP mail file server - NOT IMPLEMENTED

	The SMTP mail file server is not implemented yet.  When it is,
	files may be requested as follows:

	Files may be requested by sending the SMTP mail messages to
	oiw@nemo.ncsl.nist.gov.  The subject line can be blank,
	the body of the message will be:

		send ./pub/oiw/agreements/[filename]

	where [filename] is replaced with the name of the document
	desired.  If you wanted to retrieve the 1993 Subnetworks
	agreement in ASCII, under UNIX you might type:

		mail oiw@nemo.ncsl.nist.gov
		Subject: nothing
		send ./pub/oiw/agreements/02S-9303.asc

	Since some of the documents are very large, they will be
	split into multiple messages and sent individually.  You
	will have to re-assemble them upon receipt.
	You can send a message containing:

		send help

	for additional instructions.

Questions or comments regarding accessing these services should be sent
via SMTP mail to oiw-request@nemo.ncsl.nist.gov.

                                 | GOSIP |

GOSIP Version 1.

GOSIP Version 1 (Federal Information Processing Standard 146) was published in
August 1988.  It became mandatory in applicable federal procurements in August

Addenda to Version 1 of GOSIP have been published in the Federal Register
and are included in Version 2 of GOSIP.  Users should obtain
Version 2.

GOSIP Version 2.

Version 2 became a Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) on
April 3, 1991 and will be mandatory in federal procurements initiated
eighteen months after that date, for the new functionality contained in
Version 2.  The Version 1 mandate continues to be in effect.  Version 2
of GOSIP supersedes Version 1 of GOSIP.  Version 2 of GOSIP makes clear
what protocols apply to the GOSIP Version 1 mandate and what protocols
are new for Version 2.  The IGOSS (Industry/Government Open Systems
Specification) will be available soon.  GOSIP Version 3 will point to
the IGOSS for most of its technical material.

    NIST Point of Contact:
	Jerry Mulvenna

        NTIS Sales Dept., FIPS 146-1, Price $17.00
        available for anonymous file transfer from osi.ncsl.nist.gov
        (see preface for details)

                ./pub/gosip/gosip_v2.txt        -- ascii
                ./pub/gosip/gosip_v2.ps		-- PostScript
                ./pub/gosip/gosip_v2.ps.Z       -- PostScript Compressed
                ./pub/gosip/gosip_v2.w51        -- WordPerfect 5.1


Pictures are not included in the files given above.


             |              OSE Implementors Workshop          |

The output of the OSE Implementors Workshop (OIW) is a pair
of aligned documents, one representing Stable Implementation Agreements
(SIA), the other containing Working Implementation Agreements (WIA)
that have not yet gone into the stable document.  Material is in either
one or the other of these documents, but not both, and the documents
have the same index structure.

The SIA is reproduced in its entirety at the beginning of each calendar
year, with an incremented version number.  Replacement page sets are
distributed subsequently three times during each year (after each
Workshop), reflecting errata to the stable material, as well as new
functionality declared stable.  In this way an up-to-date document is

The WIA is reproduced in its entirety at the beginning of each calendar
year.  Replacement page sets are distributed subsequently three times 
during each year (after each Workshop), reflecting errata to the
Working material, as well as ne functionality.  The Workshops are held in
March, June, September and December). OIW attendees will not automatically
receive the WIA or SIA, as well as the replacement pages to the WIA and SIA.
In keeping with the new policy, anyone wishing to obtain paper copies of the
WIA or SIA will must pay an extra fee during registration.  These change page
sets will be distributed after each Workshop.  The 1993 OIW meeting dates are
March 8-12, June 7-11, September 13-17, and December 6-10.  All of the 1993
meetings are currently planned to be at NIST.

SIA documentation is available from the U.S. Government Printing Office
(GPO), and the National Technical Information Service (NTIS).
SIA documentation is also online, as described

Effective April 1991, WIA documentation is in draft form, and not sold
to the public.  It will be distributed to Workshop attendees as usual.
WIA documentation is also online, as described below.

    NIST Points of Contact for the OIW:

        Ted Landberg     -- management information
        OIW Transition Manager

	Brenda Gray	--administrative information
        OIW Registrar

SIA, Version 6.

Version 6, Edition 1 of the SIA, Special Publication 500-206, has been
published by NIST, and is currently available from the U.S. Government
Printing Office and The National Technical Information Service.

    NIST Point of Contact:
        Brenda Gray

    hardcopy (Version 6):
        U.S. Government Printing Office 
        GPO Stock Number: 903-015-00013-6
        Price: $109.00 (base document plus updates) - domestic
               $136.25 (base document plus updates) - foreign

    hardcopy (Version 6):

        NTIS (base document) 
        Order Number: PB 93-166809/AS
        Price: $147.00 (paper); $69 (microfiche)

        NTIS (March 92 Change Pages)
        Order Number: PB 92-190479/WCC

        NTIS (June 92 Change Pages)
        Order Number: PB 92-232321/WCC

    on-line (Version 5):
        available for anonymous file transfer from nemo.ncsl.nist.gov
        (see preface for details)

Individual Working and Stable Parts have been updated and placed on-line 
(Output from the March 1993 OIW) as WordPerfect 5.1 files, ASCII and Postscript

Postscript files for 1992 were placed on-line after the December OIW.

                ./pub/oiw/agreements/XS-9212.asc      -- ascii (stable)
                ./pub/oiw/agreements/Xs-9212.w51      -- WordPerfect 5.1
                ./pub/oiw/agreements/XW-9212.asc      -- ascii (working)
                ./pub/oiw/agreements/Xw-9212.w51      -- WordPerfect 5.1


For the entire stable document, reference "stable-out.All.Z" for the
ASCII file, and "Stable_w51.All" for the WordPerfect 5.1 file.
Helvetica fonts ranging in size from 8-pt through 30-pt were used in
the preparation of the OIW files.  In the above, "X" is part number (1
to 25), where a part describes a particular piece of OSI functionality,
and corresponds to a chapter of a book.  To access each piece of the
book, retrieve filenames with syntax described above.  "9212" refers to
the month (Dec) and year (1992) of the agreements that are on-line.
For the entire working document, reference "work-out.all.Z" for the
ASCII file, and "Work_w51.All.Z" for the WordPerfect 5.1 file.  The
".Z" mentioned above indicates compressed mode.  In the above, "X" is
as follows: X=1 (General Information), X=2 (Subnetworks), X=3 (Network Layer),
X=4 (Transport), X=5 (Upper Layers), X=6 (Technical Registration Info), 
X=7 (1984 Message Handling Systems), X=8 (1988 Message Handling Systems),
X=9 (FTAM Phase 2), X=10 (FTAM Phase 3), X=11 ( Directory Services),
X=12 (OS Security), X=13 (more OS Security), X=14 (Virtual Terminal),
X=15 (Transaction Processing), X=16 (Level 3 Office Document Architecture),
X=17 (Level 2 Office Document Architecture), X=18 (Network Management),
X=19 (Remote Database Access), X=20 (Manufacturing Message Specification),
X=21 (Character Sets), X=22 (ODA Image DAP), X=23 (ODA Raster DAP),
X=24 (Conformance Testing), and X=25 (Healthcare)

                           | GOSIP Users' Guide |

GOSIP Users' Guide for GOSIP Version 2
The companion Users' Guide for GOSIP Version 2 assists Federal agencies
in planning for and procuring OSI.  It provides tutorial information on
OSI protocols as well as information on OSI registration, GOSIP
technical evaluation, and GOSIP transition strategies.  This document
is currently available from NTIS and GPO, and should be used instead of the
Version 1 Users' Guide.  The GOSIP Users' Guide Version 2 is NIST SP 500-192.

    NIST Point of Contact:
        Tim Boland


        Order Number: PB 92-119676/WCC
        Price: $26.00--paper, $12.50--microfiche

        Order Number: SN 003-003-03119-4
        Price: $9.50

        available for anonymous file transfer from osi.ncsl.nist.gov
        (see preface for details)

                ./pub/gug/X.txt                  -- ascii
                ./pub/gug/chs.all                -- ascii (entire doc)
                ./pub/gug/chs.all.Z              -- ascii (entire doc)


In the above, "X" denotes the part of the book being requested; it is
either a chapter number (for example, ch10) or appendix (for example, appa).
Figures given in the hardcopy are not provided on-line.


			   |   GOSIP Testing    |

On August 15, 1990, NIST announced a testing program for GOSIP, FIPS
146.  The program consists of two parts: 1) GOSIP Conformance Testing
conducted by commercial laboratories accredited through the National
Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) and 2) multi-vendor
interoperability testing conducted under the auspices of industry
interoperability testing and registration services.  This program is
supported by a set of documents and registers that are available

    NIST Point of Contact:
        JP Favreau

        Standards Processing Coordinator (ADP) (see addresses at end)

        available for anonymous file transfer from osi.ncsl.nist.gov
        (see preface for details)

                ./pub/gosip.v1/X                 -- ascii


In the above, "X" indicates any one of the following ASCII files:

    MOT-Assessment.handbook     GOSIP Means of Testing Assessment handbook

    NVLAP.handbook              NVLAP Handbook, Operational Requirements
				for the Laboratory Accreditation Program
				of Computer Applications Testing for GOSIP
				Conformance Testing: Requirements for

    regist-criteria.handbook    GOSIP registration criteria

    testing-FIPS.draft          Final Draft for the future FIPS Guideline,
				GOSIP Conformance and Interoperation 
				Testing and Registration

    ats.reg                     Register for GOSIP V1 Abstract Test Suites

    product.reg                 Register for GOSIP V1 Compliant Products

    int-ats.reg                 Register for GOSIP V1 Interoperability Test

    int_service.reg             Register for GOSIP V1 Interoperability Test

    lab.reg                     Register for GOSIP V1 NVLAP Accredited

    mot.reg                     Register for GOSIP V1 Means of Testing

    us-gosip-testing            The US GOSIP Testing Program, Technical
                                Report NCSL SNA 90-5, August 1990


                |   Government Network Management Profile   |

Version 1 of the Government Network Management Profile (GNMP) is being
progressed as a Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) for System
and Network Management.  The technical specification of V.1 GNMP is now 
available both on-line and in hardcopy.
     NIST Point of Contact:
         Fran Nielsen

         NIST Standards Processing Coordinator (ADP)

        available for anonymous file transfer from osi.ncsl.nist.gov
        (see preface for details)

                ./pub/gnmp/gnmp.ascii            -- ascii
                ./pub/gnmp/gnmp.ps               -- PostScript
                ./pub/gnmp/gnmp.ps.Z             -- PostScript Compressed


PostScript figures are in the files in the same subdirectory as figN.ps
      where N = 1,2,.....,10


                        | MHS Evaluation Guidelines |

This document assists users in evaluating performance and functional
characteristics of MHS implementations to determine which system is best
for them.

    NIST Point of Contact:
       Steve Trus

        NTIS Sales Dept., Order # PB 90-269598
        Price: $23.00

        available for anonymous file transfer from osi.ncsl.nist.gov
        (see preface for details)

                ./pub/eval_guide/mhs.doc.ps   -- PostScript
                ./pub/eval_guide/mhs.doc.ps.Z -- PostScript Compressed


Pictures are not included in the copy provided on-line.

                    | FTAM Evaluation Guidelines |

The File Transfer, Access and Management (FTAM) Evaluation Guidelines is
NIST Special Publication 500-196.  It gives information pertinent to the
user in evaluating FTAM products.

    NIST Point of Contact:
       Paul Markovitz

        available from NIST Standards Processing Coordinator (ADP)

        available for anonymous file transfer from osi.ncsl.nist.gov
        (see preface for details)

                ./pub/eval_guide/ftam.doc.ps   --PostScript
                ./pub/eval_guide/ftam.doc.ps.Z --PostScript Compressed


            Figures are not included in the on-line version.

                    |     VT Evaluation Guidelines     |

The Virtual Terminal (VT) Evaluation Guidelines is NIST Special Publication
500-205.  It gives information pertinent to the user in evaluating VT

    NIST Point of Contact:
       Carol Edgar

       available from NIST Standards Processing Coordinator (ADP)

       available for anonymous file transfer from osi.ncsl.nist.gov
       (see preface for details)

               ./pub/eval_guide/vt.doc.ps   -- PostScript
               ./pub/eval_guide/vt.doc.ps.Z -- PostScript Compressed


            Figures are not included in the on-line version.

                    | Test & Registration User's Guide |

The Test and Registration User's guide gives inportant information relating
to the testing of GOSIP protocols and serivces.  It deals with the 
registration of interoperable GOSIP products.

    NIST Point of Contact:
        Alper Kerman

        available from NIST Standards Processing Coordinator (ADP)

        available for anonymous file transfer from osi.ncsl.nist.gov
        (see preface for details)

                ./pub/osinet/tr_usr_dg.txt        --ASCII
                ./pub/osinet/tr_usr_gd.w50        --WordPerfect 5.0


          Figures not included in WordPerfect version.

                      | Addresses/Telephone Numbers |

        Alper Kerman
        Technology, B217
        Gaithersburg, MD 20899
        (301) 975-3387

	Jerry Mulvenna
	Technology, B217
	Gaithersburg, MD  20899
	(301) 975-3631

	Tim Boland	--management information (OIW)
	Chairman, OIW
	Technology, B217
	Gaithersburg, MD  20899
	(301) 975-3608

        Ted Landberg    --management information (OIW)
        OIW Transition Manager
        NIST, Technology, B266
        Gaithersburg, MD 20899
        (301) 975-2245

        Carol Edgar
        NIST, Technology, B 217
        Gaithersburg, MD 20899
        (301) 975-3613

        Jean-Philippe Favreau
	Technology, B 141
	Gaithersburg, MD 20899
	(301) 975-3634

	Brenda Gray	--administrative information (OIW)
	OIW Registrar
	Technology, B217
	Gaithersburg, MD  20899
	(301) 975-3664

        Paul Markovitz
        Technology, B217
        Gaithersburg, MD 20899

        Fran Nielsen
        Technology, B-214
        Gaithersburg, MD 20899
        (301) 975-3669

        Steve Trus
        Technology, B-225
        Gaithersburg, MD 20899
        (301) 975-3617

	National Technical Information Service (NTIS)
	U.S. Department of Commerce
	5285 Port Royal Road
	Springfield, VA  22161
	(703)487-4650, FTS--737-4650

	IEEE Computer Society Press
	Order Department
	10662 Los Vaqueros Circle
	Los Alamitos, CA  90720

	U.S. Government Printing Office 
	Washington, DC  20402 
	(202) 783-3238

	Standards Processing Coordinator (ADP)
	National Institute of Standards and Technology
	Technology Building, Room B-64
	Gaithersburg, MD  20899
	(301) 975-2816

Bob Bagwill