CiTR Repository - Systems Management page - compiled by Jane Clark

Systems Management page - compiled by Jane Clark

Object_Id               : 197
Title                   : Systems Management page - compiled by Jane Clark
Node_Type               : Production
Format                  : HTML
Address                 :  http://web/library/technical_by_topic/comms/systems_management_topics/sys.mgt.html
Keywords                : 
Abstract                : This page covers systems and network management topics. Candidate topics are: 
                            o     OSI Management (including CMIP) 
                            o     SNMP 
                            o     TMN (Telecommunications Network Management
                            o     probably TINA-C - future. 
Date_Entry_Created      : 06/03/97
Entry_Created_By        : jane
Entry_Last_Modified_By  : 
Asset_Qualification     : I'm the author, so I'm biased
Other_Opinions          : 
Contact_Person          :
IP_or_Copyright_Owner   : CiTR
Support_re_Ownership    : I did it under an internal project code.
Date_Item_Created       : early 1996 (or earlier)
Usage_Conditions        : 
Support_re_Usage_Condns : 
Authors_and_Contributors: Jane Clark
Projects_Used_In        : ad hoc
Obtained_From           : 
Derived_From            : 
Related_Items           : Jane's Communications pages:
Document_Type           : informational web page
Additional_Info         :