

The ".pl" files in ~/rds/bin should installed in a directory 'reuse' hanging directly off the httpd's cgi-bin directory.


There are some variables set at the top of each file. These need to be editted to agree with the installation directory.
The unix absolute file directory where the html files are found. The user 'nobody' (or whoever the httpd runs as ), needs to be able to 'cd' here and execute 'rcs' commands to update the repository.
This is the path relative to the httpd's document root that holds the repository files.
The local mail alias of the repository librarian. This email address is emailed a description of any changes made. If this not a single individual, then there needs to be an email alias set up.



There are a pair of scripts for extracting pages/entries from the existiing repository. pulls the raw pages out and stores them in /citr/Information_Centre/Reuse/exported/ modifies the title from 'CiTR Repository' to the entry's title. The modified outputs are stored in citr/Information_Centre/Reuse/exported2/ which is the current latest snapshot of the MORE repository database. takes all the extracted files in the repository directory and installs them in RCS. So choose the Location , 'cd there, copy all the files from citr/Information_Centre/Reuse/exported2/ and run .


The repository entries should be created as per Importing .


RCS is used to maintain a history of repository entries, and an email trail is kept through the librarian.
So, if there has been an inappropriate modification made or deletion done, the librarian can 'cd' to the 'repository' directory and use normal RCS commands to restore things. ( co, ci, rcs etc).



Create a .htaccess (or whatever the security filename is for this server) in the /cgi-bin/reuse directory :-
AuthUserFile /home/horton/rds/dummy/.htpasswd
AuthGroupFile /home/horton/rds/dummy/.htgroup
AuthName Repository
AuthType Basic
<limit get post put>
require group staff
#Options ExecCGI
The .htpasswd and .htgroup paths must match the locations created in .

This extracts the passwords from the NIS/yellow pages file into the NCSA httpd htpasswd file format, and
additionally creates a group file which is what is used in the .htaccess file.
(Is there a limit in line length that will bite us?)


This is a sample Solaris crontab entry to update the user authentication files daily. (Use crontab -e ).



This is a simple text file stored in $repository/templates directory. Use a name for the template file that is meanungful as this appears as the name in the button on the create window. Don't use a filename extension (such as .html) as this would appear as the name on the button. (Don't include blanks or strange characters as the code extracting this is fragile).
Inside the file include a line
 Title                   :
as this will be used as the entry title.
Include lines like :-
Date_Entry_Last_Modified: $Date$
Entry_Last_Modified_By  : $Author$
as this will be used for the RCS maintained history.



If you want to provide help on filling out a template, called say XXX. Create a ".html" formatted file in templates/help directory describing the template; i.e. $repository/templates/help/XXX.html.