The DSTC-operated CRC EDST is scheduled to complete its highly successful 7
year lifecycle and will cease operations on 30 June, 2006. While
negotiations continue about the establishment of successor research and
commercial organizations, CRC EDST itself is beginning its wind-up process
from 1 July, 2005. This process involves placing research outputs with new
owners to continue to build on the work of CRC EDST, and many CRC EDST staff
moving to the next stages of their careers outside the CRC.
more ...
Global IT Standards for Health Care
The Object Management Group (OMG™) and Health Level Seven
(HL7) are working together to progress development of IT standards
for electronic health care. DSTC, who is a member of both organisations
is monitoring and providing input to this rapidly expanding initiative.
Software Solution for Brisbane North Division of General Practice
DSTC has developed the software solution for a secure electronic document
exchange (EDoX) facility for the Brisbane North Division of General Practice (BNDGP).
Preserving Indigenous Knowledge
Led by Queensland Smithsonian Fellow Dr Jane Hunter, DSTC's MAENAD team have
developed software tools which are helping preserve and protect indigenous
cultures around the world.
New Research Project : Distributed Atmospheric Science
Computational Grids comprise networked distributed computers that span one or more organisations,
and enable a new branch of science called e-Science. Led by Professor David Abramson at DSTC's
Monash University labs, the Distributed Atmospheric Science (DAS) project is exploring issues
associated with these virtual applications. more...
KITE : Tools To Support Using Organisational Knowledge Assets
DSTC research project, Knowledge In The Enterprise (KITE), is working to create tools which will
better support organisations access and use knowledge assets. more ...
DSTC - Australia’s primary representative
in global IT standards arena
DSTC contribution to standards is an important facet
of our stance on technology interoperability. We see IT standards
as the pathway to achieving interoperable technologies that provide
easier information exchange and access. more...