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Office Bearers
of the
Caboonbah Undenominational Church

(as displayed inside Caboonbah Church)

1914 Mr H.P. Somerset
1915 Mr H. Benbow
1949 Mr P.D.R. Drane
1950 Rev. A. Heiner
1951-52 Mr C. Heath
1953-64 Mr F. Cannell
1969-70 Mr R. D. Soden Jnr.
1971-75 Rev. K. Bachelor
1976-77 Rev. K. Vincent
1978-91 Mr R. C. Kenman
1992- Mrs J. M. Drane
1914-16 Mr E. W. Spreadborough
1919 Mr M. L. Jones
1922-35 Mr C. W. H. R. Somerset M. C.
1936-49 Mrs D. H. Waite
1950-53 Mr R. D. Soden Jnr.
1954-64 Mr R. C. Kenman
1969-77 Mr G. Cannell
1978- Mrs M. A. S. Thomsen
1905-50 Mr R. D. Soden Snr.
1951-78 Mr A. Williams
1979-84 Mr L. Lanton
1985-92 Mrs G. Masters
1993 Mr R. C. Kenman
1994 Mrs R. J. McDougall