[saved copy of (now unreachable) page by Bruce Sugars]

George Bird was born c. 1839 at Stroud, Gloucester, England. He arrived in Australia c. 1855. It is believed he landed in Sydney before coming to Brisbane.

George married Ann Jane DOYLE c. 1867 and settled in what is now know as Lancing Road, Pullen Vale. Here they farmed the land and raised a family of ten children:
John		George		Amelia		Annie Matilda		Leonard

Edwin		Henry Edward	Graham		Eva			son (unknown)

John	m   Emily KERR		Chn:  George, John
George	m   Maggie ??		Chn:  Cecil , Eric
Amelia 	m   Willie GUSCOTT 	Chn:  George, Ethel, Edith, Dorothy plus several who died in infancy
Leonard m   Mary WILLIAMSON
Henry 	m   Mary CURRIE		Chn:  Sarah, Thelma, Henry Thomas, Margaret
Eva 	m   Dean JESSER		Chn:  Vera, Thelma, Hazel, Graham
The new Pullen Vale school now stands on the land that John and Emily Bird once farmed. Their son, John, attend Pullen Vale School (the old school) from 1909 - 1916. He was awarded a medal for attendance...not having missed a single day of schooling.

John Bird is remembered by the John Bird Oval at the new Pullen Vale school. John died in 1982 and is buried in Moggill Cemetery.


Moggill - History - Bird
This page created and maintained by Bruce Sugars
Last updated 16 January 1997
Copyright ? 1996 by B. Sugars




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